The Dance of Love and Fear In An Uncertain World

1 min read

I can feel the fear of my friends, family and followers reverberating in social posts, texts and phone calls. It’s real and I want to acknowledge it. It affects me deeply, too. We fear for our safety, our quality of life and the future of our society. It’s hard to continue our daily lives as if nothing is happening and to do so would be foolish.

Although there’s no question that we are living in a time of great chaos and change, I want to remind you that your inner domain is unassailable. Now, more than ever, it’s important that you sharpen your discernment. Think critically and carefully about what you allow to make an impression.

Fear is a powerful force which, if left unchecked, will only unravel you from the inside. I can’t offer a glimpse into the future, for I do not know what will come. But I do know that the best and only weapon we have against fear is love. Recognize that when fear is present, there’s no room for love to grow.

First: Love yourself. Take care of yourself better than you ever have so that you have full access to your resources of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual power. This is where all resilience stems from.

Next: Love others and maintain your sense of joy, curiosity and wonder in the world. Intentionally choose the highest vibration possible so that from your wellspring of energy, others may be nourished.

Even as you remain observant of the world, do not let the barrage of news, soundbites and headlines ruin your day or sway you from your path. Consider the meaning you attach to the words of others and don’t allow emotions to disrupt the tone of your being.

In this time, you might even be so bold as to ask yourself, “How can I benefit from this uncertainty? How can I make it work for me?” Asking those questions will open the door to answers you didn’t know you had.

Stay grounded. Remember that even in a thunderstorm, a placid blue sky exists above the fray. Do whatever you can to stay connected to this source. Meditation, prayer, breathwork, nutrition and exercise all play a role.

You do not need to know what will happen tomorrow in order to remain present today. As you maintain a regulated nervous system, you’ll communicate to all those you come into contact with your strength and power.

The collective emotions of the world create a powerful pendulum which takes on a life of its own. It is easy to get swept up. See it for what it is and do not resist, as your attention actualy provides more energy to that which you do not want.

Instead, observe these energy patterns and step outside of them, not in apathy or spiritual bypass, but from a place of choice. Control what you can and maintain your frequency.

Remember that inside you is True Wealth which can never be depleted — just as eternity can never run out of minutes, and infinity can never run out of inches.

When man feels scarcity, True Wealth remains impervious and invulnerable to the vicissitudes of human paradigms.

Trees still sprout. Water still flows.

Sun still shines.

God still loves.

You still are.

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